Author's posts

9½ Fingers?

Silver was a nightclub on Hope Street in Glasgow. It is where I spent at least half of my short lived career as a bouncer between 2007 and 2008 and as someone who’d rather have spent his weekends either in bed or in the Cathouse, the best way to describe Silver is a as a …

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CJ & the Summer of 2008

After a few failed attempts at pursuing the wrong person throughout my first year of college and spending most of my Friday and Saturday nights working on the doors of Glasgow’s pubs and clubs, I decided to give the world of online dating a go. Online dating in 2008 was the wild west. There was …

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Not Knowing Where to Begin

I’ve written about a couple of random topics so far but I’m torn where to go from here. I feel like delving deep into my relationship history, but I might keep things a little more light-hearted and dumb for a while. Or, maybe I fix the two? Either way, the posts here aren’t going to …

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Cars Pt. II

In the late summer of 2011, I drove past a random car dealership in Paisley and a lovely grey VW Golf caught my eye. I didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the start of a love / hate relationship with VW’s that would last a lifetime. You see, I love them… …

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Cars Pt. I

I passed my driving test in 2006 less than a year after I started my lessons, while I was 17 and still in high school. Needless to say I was pretty happy with myself but I didn’t tell anyone. I’m not sure why to be honest but I kind of liked keeping that little secret …

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Pentland Avenue

I really don’t remember that first house in any great detail. I’m not even sure I could tell you what it looked like beyond some really vivid memories of a mega-80’s carpet and my brother’s red football goal in the back garden. The only real memory I do actually have of living in Pentland Avenue …

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The Format & Flow of Digital Runaway

I don’t really intend for my entries here to be a chronological reading of my life from start to finish. I’m pretty much going to add posts on random subjects, memories and people as they pop into my mind. Yes, there’s certain topics I absolutely intend to cover but overall there’s no real plan to …

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Writing About Real People

While I’m sure the chances of anyone reading anything I post here are pretty slim, there’s still a chance. There’s also a small chance that you might know some of these people, or maybe in some extreme cases, you might be one of the people I write about. Should be of this be the case, …

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Who Am I?

Are you sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart… Just kidding, the story of my life isn’t actually very exciting. I’m nobody special. I’m just your average guy who wants to write about his experiences so that one day, when I’m old and wrinkly and …

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